Our performance

At Sage Homes we understand the importance of achieving value for money and delivering our services in an efficient and effective way.

Heart of Sage

Heart of Sage is Sage Homes’ Community Benefit Society for projects, organisations and individuals.

Value for Money Standards

Read more about how we met the Value for Money Standards. Value for Money reports for 2020, 2021 and 2022 are contained within the Annual Reports for Sage Housing Limited and Sage Rented Limited which can be found in the Financial Performance section above.

Social and Sustainable Bond Framework

Read our Social Bond Framework below

Second-Party Opinion

Read our Second-Party Opinion

Transparency reports

In December 2019, Sage Homes became an investment partner of Homes England enabling us to deliver affordable homes with the assistance of grant-funding. On a quarterly basis, Sage publishes a list of all expenditure exceeding £500 incurred in delivering Homes England grant-funded homes. This will include all works payments and other spend incurred, save for any payments which may reveal personal details about an individual, including payments made to staff or residents.