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My Sage Home
You can report issues through our customer portal at any time. It's the quickest and easiest way to get your query to the right person.
Go to My Sage Home

Live chat
You can also ask a question via live chat, below, or complete the form on this page. We'll get back to you as soon as we can.

By phone
Our Customer Care Team is available between 8am and 5.30pm weekdays - call us on 020 8168 0500. If you have an urgent request outside these times, your call will be diverted to our emergencies team.

Our live chat service

We offer a live chat service between 8am to 5.30pm weekdays, except Bank Holidays. Just click on the 'Let's chat' button below and type speak to someone in the text box.

You can also ask our virtual assistant a question at any time. Again, simply click on the button below and enter your query.

Complete our form

We are obliged to treat any personal information you disclose in accordance to with UK GDPR and this includes obligations to your personal data from unauthorised disclosure, to process it on as the law allows, not keep it for any than necessary and to delete it or correct it if you ask us to do so. Further details can be found at