Rent an affordable home with Sage Homes
We offer affordable homes to rent in safe and environmentally friendly places where people can flourish. We work closely with local councils to help people get off housing waiting lists and into a new home.
Sage Homes as a landlord
We take our responsibility as a landlord very seriously and publish performance information about our customer service each year in our customer annual reports.
As the landlord, we are ultimately responsible for and accountable to, our customers.
Who is eligible?
Although anyone can apply for an affordable house or a housing association home, there are criteria you will need to fit to be offered one. For example, because these homes are for people who need them most, you may find your local council reserves a percentage of the homes it has available for housing the homeless, those in recovery from drug or alcohol abuse, or young mothers. This might mean the waiting list is longer in your area if you don’t fall into these priority categories.
How do I apply for an affordable home?
You can apply for affordable housing through your local council, which is also known more formally as a local authority (because it’s a government body local to the residents it works for).
Your council provides services in social care, schools, planning, and waste collection, but as part of its work, a council will also allocate housing, so you can apply for a home through its website or by contacting them on the phone.
You need to be registered with your local council, who will assess your housing need. They may house you, give you a banding and bidding number for a waiting list, or advise you of alternative options.