
Everyone should feel safe and secure in their homes. 

We can get you access to the right support if you or someone in your community is being abused or neglected - find out more below.

> View our Community Safety toolkit

What is Safeguarding?

Safeguarding means making sure that people, particularly vulnerable adults and children, aren't neglected, harmed or being abused. For children, it means making sure they have everything they need to be happy and healthy. 

We work with our partners in social care, healthcare and the police to keep customers who live in our homes or use our services safe. We support them to make their own choices. 

If you have a concern about yourself or someone you know you can email the safeguarding team for more information and advice at


You can download our policies below:

Warning signs of abuse and neglect may change depending on the situation and people involved. These signs may include:

  • Poorly maintained property
  • Bad living conditions
  • Hoarding
  • No gas or electricity
  • Physical injuries
  • Health and safety hazards
  • Unexplained expenditure
  • Harassment
  • Unauthorised persons living in the property

Worried you're witnessing abuse?

Please let us know immediately if someone you know is being abused. We'll share details with the relevant organisations and may carry out our own investigation. We'll let you know any outcomes if possible.

If you are being abused

Speak to us and we'll put you in touch with specialist support. We can also raise a safeguarding concern with your local council if we think it's needed.

Where do I report a safeguarding concern?

If you see something of concern at a Sage Homes property, you can report it here.

If your concern isn’t about a Sage Homes property, please report it to the council.

If someone is in danger, phone the police on 999, or if you believe a crime has been committed, call the police on 101.