Looking after communal spaces

We want your home and the communal areas around it to be well looked after.

Our priority is to ensure that the communal spaces we manage are well-maintained, including the grounds and any shared spaces in and around residential blocks. Maintenance to areas around your home is carried out on a scheduled basis.

You can request a repair to a communal area through My Sage Home, our customer portal.

Delivering services

Where we are responsible for delivering cleaning and maintenance services, we work in partnership with the Pinnacle Group, who provide both cleaning and grounds maintenance across our homes and communities. You can find out more about Pinnacle here.

Where Sage Homes is not responsible for delivering these services, we will work closely with the managing agents, holding them to account where issues arise. If you want to replant your garden, you will need to seek permission if you're in the first year of your tenancy.

Our Customer Charter sets out our commitment to ensure that you receive the best service possible.

Regular cleaning activities

We will: 

  • Clean windows in communal areas
  • Sweep, mop and dry hard floors
  • Vacuum carpeted floors
  • Clean stains and marks from walls where possible
  • Clean doors and screens
  • Dust and wash ledges, fixtures and fittings
  • Clean bin stores

Outside areas: spring and summer

We will:

  • Collect litter and debris
  • Cut grass, strim and keep edges tidy
  • Prune shrubs and hedges
  • Weed hard surfaces, shrub borders and hedge bases
  • Keep hard surfaces such as paths and walkways clear

Outside areas: autumn and winter

We will:

  • Collect litter and debris
  • Cut back shrubs and hedges
  • Tidy grass edges
  • Collect fallen leaves
  • Trim back low hanging trees
  • Remove moss

Communal areas: fire safety

Your safety is our top priority so we strive to ensure that communal areas are kept free of items that may be a fire hazard or potentially block an escape route, including bikes and scooters and baby buggies. Find out how you can help to keep these communal areas clear.