Dealing with noise

Some noise is unavoidable and part of everyday living. Find out what's considered antisocial and when we can help below.


Possible sources of antisocial noise

  • Loud noise/music
  • Noisy neighbours arguing/shouting
  • DIY work
  • Dog/s barking

For these behaviours to be considered antisocial, the noise must be persistent and unreasonable. Persistent means the noise lasts for continuous periods of over 30 minutes a day for at least five days over one week. 

If you don't feel safe approaching your neighbour to talk about the noise, or you've tried but the situation hasn't improved, please complete our form here or go to our customer portal and we'll give you access to an ASB app. You'll then be able to submit evidence so that we can follow up.

If the noise issue continues you could try mediation to help you and your neighbour resolve your differences and reach an amicable agreement. Please contact us and we'll refer you.

If you have concerns about the welfare of your neighbours (adult and/or children), you should get in touch with your local social services safeguarding team and/or the police.  

Other sources of noise which are not considered antisocial

  • Footsteps
    No house or flat is totally soundproof and it's normal to hear some noise from the people who live around us. Therefore, this would not be considered antisocial behaviour as it's not unreasonable.
  • General living sounds
    This includes noises such as vacuuming, walking around, doors opening/closing, conversations etc. This is not unreasonable so we would not consider this as antisocial behaviour .
  • Babies crying
    We would not consider this noise to be antisocial behaviour. If you have concerns about the welfare of a child, please contact your local social services safeguarding team or the police. 
  • Children playing
    Playing is essential for children's health, wellbeing, and development. We understand that some types of behaviour can be annoying but this is not antisocial behaviour. 

Please see our top tips to help you resolve noise issues.

When to raise a noise complaint

We will only investigate if the noise is persistent, lasting for over 30 minutes a day for at least five days a week (there may be exceptions based on the individual circumstances of the case)

Some things to consider before raising a noise complaint with us: 

  • Is the noise a one-off incident? How long has the noise been going on for and is it taking place during unsociable hours (between 11pm and 7am)? 
  • Is the noise unreasonable, considering we all live close by each other? 
  • Could you discuss the problem calmly with the noise-maker? They may not realise how loud they’re being. If you’re not confident enough to approach them face-to-face, write a polite note explaining and post it through their door. If you both feel comfortable, you could invite the noise-maker into your home so that they can hear the noise for themselves. 
  • Is the noise being done deliberately to cause nuisance? If so, this can be considered antisocial behaviour (ASB) and you can report this to our Community Safety team. 
  • Could you try changing things in your home to reduce the impact. This might include turning on your TV, using ear plugs, going for a short walk outside or changing the layout of your room. 
  • Could you ask the noise-maker to use any preventative measures (eg, rugs, carpets, anti-vibration mats)? 
  • Are you vulnerable in any way or is the noise-maker vulnerable in any way?

Get in touch

If you've considered these points and still want to raise a noise complaint you can do so through our portal. You can also complete the form here. We’ll give you a step-by-step guide on how to submit evidence using an ASB app. Once you’ve sent this to us, we’ll start investigating. We’ll make sure any action we take is fair to everyone.

Will my report be confidential?

Find out how we treat your personal data here.